BRVSC 02-16-08

Bruce, AJ and Kathy put on 125 mi north and west of Plymouth NH on 2-16-08.
Smoke break done, Kathy is ready to thumb the throttle
Smoke break done, Kathy is ready to thumb the throttle
Our brief rest stop at the Radar Run in North Haverhill
Our brief rest stop at the Radar Run in North Haverhill
AJ decided to have a seat during our rest stop
AJ decided to have a seat during our rest stop
Ice glimmers on trees cloaking an ungroomed narrow trail headed towards Benton
Ice glimmers on trees cloaking an ungroomed narrow trail headed towards Benton
So much scenery at speed, finally a scenic pause enroute to Long Pond
So much scenery at speed, finally a scenic pause enroute to Long Pond